▪ Argentina - download the presentation
- Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (UTN) presentation
- Universidad de Mendoza (UM) presentation
- Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNCUYO) presentation
- Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (UNC) presentation
▪ Brazil - download the presentation
▪ Canada - download the presentation
▪ Chile - 12:45 to 14:00 - download the presentation
▪ China - download the presentation
- Student feedback - Tongji University
- Northwestern Polytechnical University promotional video
▪ Colombia - download the presentation
▪ ECIU University - download the presentation
▪ Japon - download the presentation
▪ Peru - download the presentation
▪ Southeast Asia - download the presentation
▪ South Korea - download the presentation
▪ UNITECH "Une mobilité qui fait la différence" - download the presentation
▪ USA - download the presentation
Double degree program Tohoku University - Japan